When development occurs in the watershed, the project owner is required to obtain permits that regulate the storm water discharges from a construction sites. With large ground disturbances from construction, controls must be put in place to prevent sediment transport off the site into the sewers and local waterways. This is regulated at the state and local level, each are described below.

The NDEE provides the authorization to discharge storm water from construction sites under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permit, see link for the permit information and application guidance.
NDEE NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Sites
NPDES Permit Summary
- Required for land disturbances:
- Greater than or equal to 1 acres
- Less than one acre if the construction activity is part of a common plan of development or sale
- Develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to address erosion and sediment control
- Complete a Conservation Environmental Review Tool (CERT) search from Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) – cert.outdoornebraska.gov
- Complete online applications (all users must register an account with the NDEE) – Construction Storm Water Permitting
- Submit Notice of Intent (NOI) to NDEE seven days in advance of grading
- Submit Notice of Termination (NOT) upon completion
The PCWP requires an additional Grading Permit above and beyond the state requirement when development occurs within Papillion Creek Watershed. This was established to monitor and enforce the policies establish by the PCWP to protect the water quality of local waterbodies by limiting erosion, sediment, and pollution during the construction process. Additionally, a is required for development projects with the potential to add pollutants to or affect the flow rate of stormwater runoff after construction is complete.
Grading Permit Summary
- Required for land disturbances:
- Greater than or equal to 1 acres
- Less than one acre if the construction activity is part of a common plan of development or sale
- Omaha Stormwater Program manages the oversite of the grading permits on behalf of the PCWP
- Construction:
- Develop Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
- Guidance available on Omaha Construction webpage – Construction – Omaha Stormwater
- Follow City of Omaha Design Manual (Chapter 9 for Erosion and Sediment Control) – Omaha Regional Stormwater Design Manual
- Post Construction Stormwater Management Plan (PCSMP)
- Required for sites 5,000 sf or greater of new develop or significant redevelopment
- Guidance available on Omaha Stormwater Post- Construction webpage – Post-Construction – Omaha Stormwater
- Enter project in Omaha Permix Portal – OMAHA PERMIX (all users must create an account)
- Follow guidance to enter required information: Permix – Omaha Stormwater
- Upon approval of Permix, obtain grading permit from the local jurisdiction
- Conduct site inspections during construction and update Permix
- City of Omaha staff will monitor construction for compliance with Grading Permit requirements
Design Manual
Omaha Regional Stormwater Design Manual
Post Construction Stormwater Management Planning Guidance Document
Post Construction Stormwater Plan Applicant Certification Form – All Jurisdictions
PCSMP Maintenance & Easement Agreement – La Vista
PCSMP Maintenance & Easement Agreement – Omaha
PCSMP Maintenance & Easement Agreement – Papillion
PCSMP Maintenance & Easement Agreement – Sarpy County
Post Construction Stormwater Management Plan BMP Certification