View the full PCWP Stormwater Management Policies document.
Policies Summary
Issue: Waters of the Papillion Creek Watershed are Impaired.
Root Policy: Improve water quality from all contributing sources, including but not limited to, agricultural activities, urban stormwater, and combined sewer overflows, such that waters of the Papillion Creek Watershed and other local watersheds can meet applicable water quality standards and community-based goals, where feasible.
Issue: Urbanization within the Papillion Creek Watershed has and will continue to increase runoff leading to more flooding problems and diminished water quality.
Root Policy: Maintain or reduce stormwater peak discharge during development and after full build-out land use conditions from that which existed under baseline land use conditions.
Issue: Natural areas are diminishing, and there is a need to be proactive and integrate efforts directed toward providing additional landscape and green space areas with enhanced stormwater management through restoration and conservation of stream corridors, wetlands, and other natural vegetation.
Root Policy: Utilize landscape preservation, restoration, and conservation techniques to meet the multi-purpose objectives of enhanced aesthetics, quality of life, recreational and educational opportunities, pollutant reduction, and overall stormwater management.
Issue: Sound erosion and sediment control design and enforcement practices are needed in order to protect valuable land resources, stream and other drainage corridors, and surface water impoundments and for the parallel purpose of meeting applicable Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality regulatory requirements for construction activities that disturb greater than one acre.
Root Policy: Promote uniform erosion and sediment control measures by implementing consistent rules for regulatory compliance pursuant to State and Federal requirements, including the adoption of the Omaha Regional Stormwater Design Manual.
Issue: Continued and anticipated development within the Papillion Creek Watershed mandates that holistic floodplain management be implemented and maintained in order to protect its citizens, property, and natural resources.
Root Policy: Participate in the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program, update FEMA floodplain mapping throughout the Papillion Creek Watershed, and enforce floodplain regulations to full build-out, base flood elevations.
Issue: Regulatory requirements for stormwater management and implementation of Stormwater Management Policies intended to accommodate new development and significant redevelopment will impose large financial demands for capital and operation and maintenance beyond existing funding resources.
Root Policy: Dedicated, sustainable funding mechanisms shall be developed and implemented to meet capital and operation and maintenance obligations needed to implement NPDES Stormwater Management Plans, Stormwater Management Policies, and the Papillion Creek Watershed Management Plan.