Project Information
WP-1 is planned to be located on a tributary to the West Papillion Creek in northwest Omaha. Controlling almost 900 acres of drainage area, this structure will provide flood risk reduction through the heart of Omaha and down into the communities of Papillion and Bellevue. The site is predominantly surrounded by development and will provide highly sought after local outdoor recreation opportunities. It will be located directly west of Elkhorn North High School just across from 180th St.
Supplemental funding from the Nebraska Water Sustainability Fund was granted for WP-1 due to the flood control, grade stabilization, water quality improvements, recreation, and wildlife habitat improvement benefits of the project. A water quality basin on the north end of the recreation area will provide an embankment to trap sediments and for a trail crossing to complete a closed loop around the lake. The recreation area will be managed by the City of Omaha upon completion, and the reservoir will be stocked with fish by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

Project Location

Project Details
Status: In-Progress
Estimated Open Date: Spring 2027
Location: Douglas County, NE
Drainage Area: 865 acres
Lake Area: 20 acres
Park Area: 106 acres
Trail Length: 2 miles
Project Highlights
Final design is complete and all land has been purchased for the project.
The Papio NRD has been working on lining up supplemental funding, through grants, to reduce costs for local partners. Awarded grants include those from the Nebraska Water Sustainability Fund, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Construction for WP-1 is underway following contractor selection in October of 2024. The majority of construction is anticipated to take place in 2025, with final completion estimated for Spring of 2026.